Matthew lives in the English Home Counties, is accompanied everywhere by his Dalmatian and doesn't like referring to himself in the third person.
Among other things, I'm a happy-snapper, a would-be scribe, a cellist-in-training and the son of a preacher man.

A Closer Look
After more than 10 years as a professional dog walker, I’m finally laying down my leads and picking up my camera.
The focus of our photo shoots is on fun . . . for everyone. Dogs aren’t models and we won’t be forcing them to do anything they’re not comfortable with. We’ll reward them liberally and make the session happy and memorable for years to come.
We will, of course, follow the countryside protocol; leaving only footprints and taking only pictures.
Like rats, you’re never more than eighteen metres from a photographer. So why choose me? Well, for starters I’ll give discount to Dalmatian owners.
On a final note, I know some dogs don’t like men. Some don’t like hats. Others have problems with beards. And, a few are driven to distraction by hi-vis clothing. Not wanting to cause psychological harm to your canine friend, I give you fair warning, I have more headwear than a hatter and a beard you could lose a badger in.
Haddenham, Buckinghamshire, UK
07769 181 098